MosquitoNix – Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club

The club is very excited to welcome MosquitoNix to the Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club as it’s newest corporate partner for 2017-18.  MosquitoNix will be the official sponsor of the Strikers vs. Keepers Camp – The Woodlands.

MosquitoNix Information:

Video – Click Here!

Telephone: (713) 682-9900

15% off for Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club Members!

“Mosquitonix, the national leader in mosquito control is proud to be an official sponsor of the Houston Dynamo / Dash Youth organization. Our goal is to enhance lives and the company motto is to ‘Live outside again!’   Tony Krolak, MosquitoNix, Houston.

“It’s great to be partnering with MosquitoNix as they’re the leader in their industry and can provide a service to our membership that is approaching 6,000 families. We look forward to working with the company throughout the next 12 months and having their logo associated to the biggest youth soccer club in the Houston market.” Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations, Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club.